
The consortium of partners set up for this project brings together stakeholders in vocational education and training (VET) at all levels (front line, guidance and support services, design and implementation of training courses, the academic world, training the trainers) in both the private and public fields.

All are developing actions aimed at long-term employment for a very wide range of people, some of whom may be very vulnerable and alienated from the world of work.

The Forem is the Office Wallon de la Formation Professionnelle et de l’Emploi – the Walloon public employment and professional training service.
Its core business is enabling jobseekers on the labour market to obtain work with prospects of lasting, quality employment, as well as meeting the needs of employers and filling their vacancies.
The Forem offers job-seekers personalised advisory, guidance, and information services, plus recognition of their skills, support for geographical mobility, specific actions for young people, and so on.
The Forem offers businesses consultancy, assistance, and information services relating to recruitment and training. It provides them with access to public mechanisms and finance, human resources management advice, and circulation of their vacancies.
The Forem offers training to all Walloon French-language speakers which will enable them to obtain qualifications matching the requirements of the job market. More than 200 training courses are offered by the Forem, which also provides public access to information on training courses provided by other operators.
Finally, thanks to a wide-ranging network of partners, the Forem also coordinates the employment and training market in Wallonia.
The Forem Training Department also heads and coordinates the STEP4-SFC project. It provides a tool for the transfer.

The AID network (Integrated Development Schemes) has 32 member associations. It is made up of Entreprises de Formation par le Travail (EFT) – on-the-job training enterprises – in Wallonia, Ateliers de Formation par le Travail (AFT) – on-the-job training workshops – in Brussels, Organismes d’Insertion SocioProfessionnelle (OISP) – social and professional integration organisations – in Wallonia and Brussels, and Entreprises d’Insertion (EI & ILDE) – inclusion enterprises – in Brussels and Wallonia.
AID has expertise in the teaching, financial, technical, and human resources aspects of mentoring training projects. It develops a range of educational tools alongside and on behalf of its members, and helps them to put their training schemes into operation.
AID has worked on key skills in various national projects. For example, as part of the “Cross-Disciplinary Skills” project carried out at the request of the Comité Subrégional de l’Emploi et de la Formation de Tournai (the Tournai subregional employment and training committee), mentoring training centres in these subjects resulted, in particular, in the publication of a file “The skills that make a difference at work”, designed for trainees.
AID is one of the experts in this project, and provides some of the tools for transfer.

The The Group for European Integration is an NGO which was set up in 2002. Its main goal is to contribute actively to the process of integration in the European Union, in particular by means of educational and cultural actions.
The GEI’s areas of expertise are:
• research applied to Life Long Learning (LLL)
• research in general
• comparative studies
• plus the development of strategies and methodologies for Life Long Learning (LLL) on one hand and Vocational and Educational Training (VET) on the other.
The GEI works with a vast network of local organisations and experts with the aim of reintegrating marginalised and disadvantaged citizens in society and the job market.
The GEI participates in all the actions in this project by applying its specific outlook and its knowledge of vulnerable Romanian people. It is the internal evaluator of the actions and processes implemented in the project.

A social cooperative created in 1979, COOSS is a private not-for-profit organisation which provides care services, social services, training and educational actions in the Marche Region of Italy. It currently has approximately 2,500 members/employees.
Dedicated to the promotion of the individual, COOSSS recognises that everyone has a basic right to a fair quality of life.
COOSS considers that every person is a unique individual. This expresses the maxim of the cooperative – “al centro del nostro Coossmo ci sei TU”, in other words “YOU are at the heart of our Coossmo”, in the belief that the individual characteristics of every individual are a heritage that must be protected and promoted.
Recognised by the regional government, COOSS is also active in vocational education and training (VET), and manages and develops VET (in both initial and further training) and adult education actions.
COOSS participates in all the actions of the OPC-SFC project. The cooperative, which has been working in the area of key skills for a long time, provides its vision of the concepts and their theoretical background.
Find out more about COOSS (in French)

En savoir plus sur COOSS

Created in 1984, CRIF Formation et Conseil is a training and guidance centre located in Franche-Comté, at Besançon, Gray et Pontarlier. It provides support before and during employment.
In order to fulfil its mission, it acts on several levels:

  • in the Service Public Régional de Formation - the regional public training service – by mentoring training projects (project validation, further training, etc.)
  • by combating illiteracy
  • by individual mentoring with employment agency services
  • by providing training in work in the services sector: prequalifying actions and educational training establishments
  • by providing personal skills audits to accompany employment transitions
  • by training professionals in the area of training, employment, and insertion, in particular professionals in Insertion par l’Activité Economique - insertion via employment - (job advisors and technical supervisors, tutors, etc.).

Bruxelles Formation is the public body in charge of the vocational training of French-speaking Brussels workers and job-seekers in the Brussels Capital Region.
Bruxelles Formation (Brussels training) has a dual role, ordered by decree:

  • Organising skills training in Brussels. Here it provides training through its own centres.
  • Managing skills training. Here it contributes to regulating the area of training.

Bruxelles Formation provides training in its own 9 centres or under sub-contract, in many areas of the secondary and tertiary services sectors (in the fields of building, logistics, construction, IT, office work, etc.) as well as work-targeted languages (bf.langues), basic training, and preliminary courses designed to prepare trainees for entry into training leading to qualifications (bf.tremplin).

TOJAS was established in 1991 to promote quality and innovation in the field of Adult Education and Training (AET) and more particularly Learning Mobilities, innovation (turnkey project in the transfer of technology), small business (SME) management and strategic development, with a focus on smart design, recycling, and reuse.

TOJAS expertise in the field of AET includes:

  • ECVET and EUROPASS skills in the field of learning mobility;
  • the formation of innovative approaches for social entrepreneurship;
  • non-formal and informal learning methods;
  • Management and Disruptive Strategy Models applicable to SMEs;
  • patterns of development of the circular economy;
  • exploitation models of development results, including capacity multiplier building, self-learning centers, observatory and steering committees, to name a few.

Given the impact that industrial and commercial activities have on biodiversity and the environment, Tojas embraces the vision environmental conservation offers substantial benefits to meet the needs of local communities. Environment has its own economic importance, so environment is essential. Tojas Investimentos aims to integrate the strategic management and conservation of natural resources currently applied into its development practices, which will result in a more sustainable approach, which also allows communities and nature to develop.

The main objective of TOJAS is to improve employability and businesses internationalization through ambitious apprenticeship programs, innovative business models and strong international cooperation, by encouraging and supporting the concept of skills capitalization across generations. workers.

Our core activities cover:

  • the design and implementation of training courses;
  • apprenticeships;
  • inclusive networking with the world of work, such as professional associations, public employment, semi-public and private institutions, chambers of commerce and crafts, and social partners;
  • the observatory of best practices on sustainable development policies focused on labor market demand;
  • research in the transfer of innovation and recommendations in the creation of these policies.